Concise Minutes - Petitions Committee

Meeting Venue:

Committee room 1

Meeting date: Monday, 18 March 2024

Meeting time: 14.00 - 14.43
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:






Members of the Senedd:

Jack Sargeant MS (Chair)

Peredur Owen Griffiths MS

Buffy Williams MS

Altaf Hussain MS (In place of Joel James MS)


Gillian Kelly, Transport Scotland

Carole Stewart, Transport Scotland

Paul White, Confederation of Passenger Transport (CPT) Scotland

Committee Staff:

Gareth Price (Clerk)

Kayleigh Imperato (Deputy Clerk)



1       Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Apologies were received from Joel James MS.

Altaf Hussain MS attended the meeting as substitute for Joel James MS.


Rhys ab Owen MS was absent.




2       Evidence Session - Free public transport for young people

The Committee heard evidence from Carole Stewart and Gillian Kelly from Transport Scotland and Paul White from Confederation of Passenger Transport Scotland.




3       New Petitions



3.1   P-06-1395 Halt significant new development on the Gwent Levels SSSIs

The Committee considered the petition and agreed to write back to the Minister for Climate Change asking a number of specific questions raised by the petitioners and Members of the Committee, before deciding whether to take any further action on the petition.


Members agreed to send the letter to the Minister after stage 3 proceedings of the Infrastructure (Wales) Bill has taken place  in plenary (19 March 2024).  




3.2   P-06-1404 Increase clarity and rights for people on direct payments or WILG to live independently

The Committee considered the petition and noted that legislation on social care is expected to be introduced after Easter. In light of this Members agreed to write to the Chair of the Health and Social Care Committee raising awareness of the issues outlined in petition and the role the bill could play in addressing them.



3.3   P-06-1406 Financial penalties for Local Education Authorities who do not comply with timeframes for ALN

The Committee considered the petition and agreed to raise the issues outlined during the forthcoming Petitions Committee debate on P-06-1392 Reform of the additional learning needs Code of Wales 2021.


Additionally, Members agreed to highlight the petition to the Chair of the Children, Young People and Education Committee.




3.4   P-06-1408 Make safe the access to the Secret Garden A4042 Goytre Fawr for both pedestrians and vehicles

The Committee considered the petition and welcomed the development of undertaking a feasibility study with a view to making improvements highlighted in the petition. In light of this Members agreed to close the petition and congratulate the petitioner.


Members also agreed to forward the further points and questions raised by the petitioner to Deputy Minister for Climate Change and send a copy to the local authority.




4       Updates to previous petitions




4.1   P-06-1326 The Senedd should scrutinise the prepayment meter scandal in Wales

The Committee considered the petition and noted the responses received from the Welsh Government and Ofgem, and that the Senedd will debate the Committee’s report on 1 May 2024.



4.2   P-06-1359 Offer Welsh working parents the same financial support for childcare as England

The Committee considered the petition alongside P-06-1362 Match the new childcare offer in England of 15 hours for 2 year old's from April 2024 and noted the debate in the Senedd which heard the concerns of parents across Wales.


In light of the debate and the Minister’s response, Members agreed to close the petition and thank the petitioners for raising the important issue.


In addition to closing the petition, the Committee agreed to continue to fight for the rights of working parents throughout Wales, in their capacity as individual Members of the Senedd.




4.3   P-06-1362 Match the new childcare offer in England of 15 hours for 2 year old's from April 2024

The Committee considered the petition alongside P P-06-1359 Offer Welsh working parents the same financial support for childcare as England and noted the debate in the Senedd which heard the concerns of parents across Wales.


In light of the debate and the Minister’s response, Members agreed to close the petition and thank the petitioners for raising the important issue.


In addition to closing the petition, the Committee agreed to continue to fight for the rights of working parents throughout Wales, in their capacity as individual Members of the Senedd.



4.4   P-06-1369 Use only Welsh names for places in Wales

The Committee considered the petition and agreed to write to the Minister for Education and Welsh Language to request further detail regarding work and reports on the implications in relation to the use of Welsh place names and any recommendations made and timescales for implementation.




5       Motion under Standing Order 17.42(ix) to resolve to exclude the public from the remainder of the meeting

The motion was agreed.




6       Discussion of evidence

The Committee discussed the evidence heard.





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